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Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

"Not to bring up something upsetting, but when you leave here today, you may go through a period of unemployment. My suggestion is this: Enjoy the unemployment. Have a second cup of coffee. Go to the park. Read Walt Whitman. Walt Whitman loved being unemployed. I don't believe he ever did a day's work in his life. As you may know, he was a poet. If a lot of time goes by and you continue to be unemployed, you may want to consider announcing to all appropriate parties that you have become a poet."

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Best Albums 2007

My personal opinion is that only a fraction of the albums you'll see on top 10 lists this year are actually worth mentioning. I wanted to create my own list based on what i listened to the most this year. I hope you check some of this stuff out if you haven't already!

Top Ten Albums of 2007:

1. Fionn Regan - The End of History

2. Panda Bear - Person Pitch

3. Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

4. Arcade Fire - Neon Bible

5. Feist - Reminder

6. Menomena - Friend and Foe

7. Caribou - Andorra

8. Battles - Mirrored

9. Iron and Wine - The Shepherd's Dog

10. Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha



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