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Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

"Not to bring up something upsetting, but when you leave here today, you may go through a period of unemployment. My suggestion is this: Enjoy the unemployment. Have a second cup of coffee. Go to the park. Read Walt Whitman. Walt Whitman loved being unemployed. I don't believe he ever did a day's work in his life. As you may know, he was a poet. If a lot of time goes by and you continue to be unemployed, you may want to consider announcing to all appropriate parties that you have become a poet."

Sunday, September 27, 2009

the tightening knot

reclining on my couch at home, in comfort
a handful of photos fall from a lonely book
as i crack it's weary spine, i smile slowly
in both snapshots you hold a camel

you knew a camel couldn't pass through
the eye of the needle as you'd sew
the stitches of your earthly found riches
into the fabric of your favorite fashion

don't harbor that bitterness too long
you'll get a horrible fever when it sinks
into the pit of your stomach it will settle
kicking and screaming bloody murder

those fresh wounds turn into faded scars
those scars fade into odd little stories
those headaches and the tightening knot
messes of made up faces and family

i'm only telling myself this to remind me
of when you stood in all your youthful glory
flushed with fanatical favorites and folly
knee deep in your friend's parent's hot tub

i really want to meet you there that night
in the midst of those flash flood polaroids
and value your flaws and weaknesses
seeking the sweet misfortunate memories


Blogger jami jensen said...

this is super good.
keep wrting.

3:14 PM  

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