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Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

"Not to bring up something upsetting, but when you leave here today, you may go through a period of unemployment. My suggestion is this: Enjoy the unemployment. Have a second cup of coffee. Go to the park. Read Walt Whitman. Walt Whitman loved being unemployed. I don't believe he ever did a day's work in his life. As you may know, he was a poet. If a lot of time goes by and you continue to be unemployed, you may want to consider announcing to all appropriate parties that you have become a poet."

Monday, May 11, 2009


he lives in a box...
you have to open the box
he lives in conifer
between two mountains
he has long fingernails
he likes bobby d
he loves velveeta mac'n'cheese
he's into to gender roles being equal
those who are brave are ballsy or
cervical not ovarian
i can take him out for a beer
he's just barely older than me
he won a male beauty pageant
school's over
connor's free
he's my bffn.
best friend for now
he likes to call us bffah
best friends for an hour
he likes elton john
drives a chevy truck
it's a teal, 4 wheel monster
he's going to DU for grad school
he wants to win a nobel prize for literature
i think his middle name is fredrick
he wears aviators
he doesn't like carrot cake
he's never had a girlfriend
he lives in a box
it's taped shut and no one wants to open it
i'll open his box
but he doesn't like beer
so i'll buy him a coke


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