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Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

"Not to bring up something upsetting, but when you leave here today, you may go through a period of unemployment. My suggestion is this: Enjoy the unemployment. Have a second cup of coffee. Go to the park. Read Walt Whitman. Walt Whitman loved being unemployed. I don't believe he ever did a day's work in his life. As you may know, he was a poet. If a lot of time goes by and you continue to be unemployed, you may want to consider announcing to all appropriate parties that you have become a poet."

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Will this thing ever go anywhere?

I'm not so sure how useful this blog will turn out to be or how regal standard in general is going to end up, but when i do need this blogger...we'll have some fun with it. until then, this is going to hybernate under a layer of snow this winter until i can gather up my creative juices and actually have something to make regal standard worthwhile.

until then,