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Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

"Not to bring up something upsetting, but when you leave here today, you may go through a period of unemployment. My suggestion is this: Enjoy the unemployment. Have a second cup of coffee. Go to the park. Read Walt Whitman. Walt Whitman loved being unemployed. I don't believe he ever did a day's work in his life. As you may know, he was a poet. If a lot of time goes by and you continue to be unemployed, you may want to consider announcing to all appropriate parties that you have become a poet."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

11 minutes remaining

oh how well i hide

between the wind and the tide

clockwork inside my skull

keeps moving my parts

but some godless women

know how to crush a heart

it's familiar to me, so i flip the page

twisting for days in your crysalis, your flower

the librarians must be crazy

to go about all day with no sun

and save people time

by the way they stack books

they must know the pencil

and the blank page

and the cold concrete

of numbers

they must know it like home

i would trade my songs

for a moment of clarity

to know anything like that

to know i'm home